Thursday, October 19, 2006

nose etiquette

It is rude to blow your nose in public, but it is perfectly acceptable to pick your nose here. Needless to say, there's a lot of sniffling going on. Not just sniff-sniff sniffling, but full-chunky sniffling. And the kids that pick their nose in class are still able to be considered cool.


Anonymous said...

Please post only plesent information.

Anonymous said...

haha, i noticed the same things!
by the way, the link for soda vs pop-- haha that's great.

Anonymous said...


I dug up your blog adress in an old email (I'm SO behind). I'd love to follow your travels.... do you know if there is an RSS feed for your blog?)

Wonderful news about the sniffles. Don't pay attention to your dad. Post it ALL... ESPESCIALLY the weird cultural stuff - that's the best part.

-Dana (cousin in Washington DC)