Tuesday, September 26, 2006

local stuff

A couple weekends ago I did a bit of exploring around Naruto. Here's the Chomeiji temple near one of my junior high schools.

Here's the view of Naruto from that temple.

Here's another temple at the bottom of that hill.

These are some cool trees that are everywhere.

These are shots of Tokushima City.

This is a frog that was waiting for me on my bike in the morning last week.

random updates: There was a 5.2 earthquake this morning between Shikoku and Kyushu. It happened around 7am, and many people felt it here, but I didn't. Also, it still gets up to about 80F everyday, with humidity at about 50%. It cools off quite a bit at night though. Also I'm thinking about getting a turtle for a pet.

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