Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Weather update

It finally got cold here. The first day of winter was last Monday and the temperature dropped. At night it's down to about 50F and 60F in my apartment. My space heater brings it up to about 65F. I guess this probably still sounds warm to everyone who has already experienced snow. It feels a lot colder to me now that I can't stay warm without wearing a hat and gloves. I can't go barefoot in my apartment either. Everyone is catching a cold now. I fought off a cold with nine hours of sleep, three liters of water and one liter of orange juice all in one day.

As for the earthquake and possible tsunami, I'm at no risk. I didn't feel it and the two largest islands of Japan are blocking me from a tsunami. From what I can tell from the tv news, the epicenter wasn't technically in Japan and most people couldn't feel it. They are predicting a tsunami hitting Hokkaido to as far south as Tokyo.

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