At the end of week 2 I drove up to De Pere, WI outside of Green Bay to visit my G-town friend Brian. He's working for a congressional campaign so I volunteered at one of their fundraiser events. I also attended a wedding with him that he stood up in. I had a blast with all of his St Norbert College friends!

Oh, Jane...you *had* to get a Blogspot and not a LiveJournal, didn't you? I will *never* remember to check this. Ah well. Yay for Jane bloggyness, though! If you're interested in the random and pointless details of my life, I'm at erinzyme.livejournal.com. And...I should really, really go pack now. Since I'm leaving on Saturday. Oops.
Jane, you look like the belle of the ball in that skirt and blazer, too cute, so classy!
Thanks for the link, I'll be staying tuned to your adventures in Japan!
Karen R.
You're going to be a sensei! Man, flaunt it like you deserve the respect. =P Have fun in Japan!
Glad you're having fun in Wisconsin with family and friends; your grandpa looks cool in his soldier's uniform. Oh, btw, I've got a blog too (xanga.com/jenchu).
Jen Chu
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